A little about me…
Hi! I’m Ellie.
I am experienced NHS Midwife working for 10 years across pregnancy, labour and postnatal care.
I absolutely love my job, and enjoy getting to know families- and celebrating all the milestones of the pregnancy and new-born journey alongside them. I spent a wonderful five years in a community team that provided continuity for the families we cared for and have seen the benefit of having trust-based care from people you know. I believe in true holistic care - not just looking at the medical aspect of pregnancy, but caring for a person’s both physical and emotional needs and keeping that person at the centre of their care.
I am available for appointments to compliment and enhance the care you are receiving from the NHS or other provider. These can be one off or we can schedule them throughout your pregnancy. We can meet during your pregnancy or after your baby is born, in your own home (or over the phone/online) for unhurried appointments.
Please get in touch if you have any questions!
Why should you hire a Midwife?
Evidence shows that women want and benefit from continuity of carer.
Women who receive midwifery continuity of care are less likely to experience an unplanned caesarean section or instrumental birth, and may be less likely to have an episiotomy. They are more likely to have a spontaneous vaginal birth. They are less likely to have a preterm birth or lose their baby in pregnancy or in the first month following birth.
Safety is not just about what happens physically.
Safety for women and their partners & families also means emotional, psychological and social safety. Being comfortable with someone, building a relationship with them overtime enables trust to develop. Anxieties and concerns can be shared and allow for the positive aspects of growing knowledge and confidence to develop.
Women who have continuity of carer report more positive experiences during pregnancy, labour and postpartum.
What’s Included in a Midwife Appointment?
We can chat about anything you wish to but common areas of discussions include:
o Care pathways and accessing services
o Nutrition and diet
o Screening options and results
o Baby's movements and what's normal
o Vaccines and medication
o Pelvic floor health and sexual health in pregnancy and beyond
o Travel
o Optimising your emotional and mental wellbeing
o Navigating pregnancy & a new baby and relationships
o Common pregnancy complaints such as pelvic pain, piles, heartburn etc
o Preparing for birth
o Assisting to get baby in an optimal position for birth
o Formulating a Birth Plan
o Advice regarding requesting care outside of normal hospital policy
o Care of a Newborn
o Recovering from birth
o Adjusting to a new family unit
o Infant feeding choices, decisions and troubleshooting
o Contraception advice
A full antenatal check including
Blood pressure and urine check
'Bump' measurements and information about baby's movements
Baby's heartbeat and position check
Review of scans and/or blood results
A full wellbeing postnatal check including:
Physical assessment including wound care
Emotional and mood support
Medication and pain relief guidance
Feeding support
A full check includes:
Wellbeing assessment including weigh-ins
Feeding assessment
My Services
This packages includes either four or eight antenatal home visits.
WhatsApp messaging for non-urgent queries (reply within 48 hours) from time of first scheduled appointment until birth.
Prices are £600 for 4 appointments or £1200 for 8 appointments
This package includes six appointments in your home in the first four weeks following your birth.
WhatsApp messaging for non urgent queries (reply within 48 hours) during these four weeks.
Price £900
You can book a single appointment if you feel like you need a bit more support - to chat through any options, choices or struggles - at any time in your pregnancy or postnatal journey.
These can be face-to-face or over the phone/online.
Prices range from £35 to £150 per appointment.
Do you feel like you would just like a bit more support and advice? Are you struggling to get high quality & accurate information?
You can sign up to my ‘Message a Midwife’ service where you can message me questions & queries and get a honest, factual reply within 48 hours.
This is service is priced at £35 per month.
Contact Me
You can complete this form to get in touch.
Alternatively you can email me on battersea.midwife@gmail.com
Or call/message me on 07542 066898
Information can also be found on Instagram @battersea.midwife